When Presented with a Novel Problem
Axioms to guide the solution seeker in unfamiliar territory. Or, how to solve any problem.
My definition of leadership revolves substantially around problem solving. Specifically, the ability to solve novel problems with unknown causes and non-obvious solutions. The more senior someone becomes in an organization, the more I expect them to be able to solve complex problems they’ve never seen before. The converse is that, the better someone gets at solving such problems, the faster they will progress through the ranks of the organization, and the more influential they will become.
Solving domain-specific problems is a functional skill. For example, finding and fixing a software bug (debugging) requires specific knowledge and tools. But what about problems that span disciplines, or that seem to belong to no discipline at all? This is the realm of general problem solving. There are many tools that aim to address this from different angles (see Resources, below). Still, I’ve yet to find a roadmap that’s useful when starting at square one. Over years of solving many different kinds of problems, I’ve developed such a framework to guide this process. On countless occasions this has helped me orient myself in unfamiliar territory, and lead my team to success. I hope it helps you.
How to solve any problem
1. Acknowledge you don't know the answer
It's easy to jump to conclusions, but if you’ve never seen this problem before, then you are not likely to know a solution off the cuff. Not knowing does not mean you are stupid, are doing a bad job, or are an “imposter.” Give yourself a mental break, and move on to the next step.
2. Ask clarifying questions
Make sure you understand the problem. Ask 5 whys. Ask everyone close to the situation. Question assumptions and challenge dogma. There are no stupid questions, and the simplest ones are often the most revealing. Approach the problem with a beginner's mind (practice Shoshin). Aim to really understand, not yet to solve.
3. Get data
Go to the gemba. Learn as much as you can about the problem space. Get first hand knowledge of what’s going on (walk the production line, read code, observe processes, shadow others). What people tell you and what’s actually going on are often different.
4. Do your research
At this point, you should start to have a good idea of the real problem. Have other people solved this type of problem before? What worked and what didn't? Research ideas and read what you find. Most problems are not completely novel. Are there similar problems from other disciplines that could be relevant? Who solved those, and how?
5. Collaborate
Congratulations, you are now the expert on this problem! But, you’re not the only one who could have good ideas for solving it. Gather your colleagues and present the problem to them as clearly as possible. Make sure they understand all the details. Then hold a brainstorm (Crazy 8s, Design Thinking, Question Burst, etc.).
6. Bias for action
Dedicate enough time to actually make progress. Do something, anything, even if it's small. Small efforts compound, and you’re likely to learn something new from each thing you try. Keep trying things. You can’t make progress if you don’t put in the time. A simple recipe: ensure action items are assigned at each meeting about the problem. At the next meeting, hold people accountable for completing them.
7. Ask for help
Get advice from mentors and peers. Share the problem and ideas widely and see what you get back. If there are others who can help, delegate tasks to them, but stay connected to the work. Solving this problem is still your responsibility.
8. Swing for the fences
Sometimes big problems need big solutions. Don't be afraid of thinking big. Don’t let the practicalities of today diminish your vision of tomorrow. A big vision is inspiring. Those around you want to be inspired. Others will help you make it so, if it’s the right thing to do.
If you found this interesting, the following resources provide a deeper dive on the methods and tools mentioned, as well as some related topics. These have been influential in my approach to problem solving, and I hope they help you as well.
5 Whys
“The practice of asking why repeatedly whenever a problem is encountered in order to get beyond the obvious symptoms to discover the root cause.”
“The Japanese Zen term shoshin translates as ‘beginner’s mind’ and refers to a paradox: the more you know about a subject, the more likely you are to close your mind to further learning.”
Gemba Walk
“A management practice for grasping the current situation through direct observation and inquiry before taking action.”
Crazy 8s
“A fast sketching exercise that challenges people to [...] push beyond [their] first idea, frequently the least innovative, and to generate a wide variety of solutions.”
Design Thinking
“Design thinking uses creative activities to foster collaboration and solve problems in human-centered ways.”
Question Burst
“Brainstorming for questions, not answers, [...] often beget[s] novel—even transformative—insights.”
Acronym for “Press Release and Frequently Asked Questions.” A practice popularized by Amazon’s product managers for bringing an idea to life by imagining it is already in the world today, and looking backwards at what it is and why it exists. This is typically used to develop new products, but is equally suited to any project that provides value to people, which is often the case when solving a big problem.